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Androgenetic alopecia and hair loss affect many men and women, sometimes very early in life. The hair transplant technique is one of the most effective solutions for restoring satisfactory hair density.

Unlike the hair micrografting technique of the past, the FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction technique achieves the most natural result possible.

The principle of hair transplantation

Whether caused by genetics or iron deficiency, alopecia and baldness generally appear on the top of the head or forehead. In all cases, the back of the skull is often left with hair, which is what hair transplantation takes advantage of. The operation involves removing healthy follicles and implanting them one by one in the area to be treated.

The layout is as follows:

  • Identification of the most viable follicles
  • Individual removal of the hair to be reimplanted
  • Placement of hair implants by micro-incision in the treatment area

The benefits of hair transplantation

Skincare Agency has chosen the Artas system for its FUE hair transplants. Equipped with artificial intelligence, the robot speeds up the procedure and maximizes the naturalness of the result.

Robotic treatment protects donor and recipient follicles

The Artas hair transplant technique used by Skincare Agency takes advantage of artificial intelligence. Hair follicles are carefully selected and harvested with maximum respect for the scalp. Thanks to the hair-by-hair implantation technique, the treatment is performed with finesse, and the result is long-lasting and natural, with scars invisible to the naked eye.

Tailor-made microsurgery, accompanied by your doctor

Since FUE hair transplant techniques involve microsurgery, it is up to your doctor to decide whether robotic hair transplantation is the most appropriate solution for you (scarring alopecia, androgeneticalopecia…) or whether a micro-hair transplant is preferable. Eligibility criteria include the extent of baldness, the density of the donor area or the patient’s general state of health.

“The FUE hair transplant technique is a painless and effective response, often recommended in cases of alopecia in healthy women or men.”

All about hair transplantation

The Artas technique employed by Skincare Agency delivers lasting improvements in hair density with minimal side effects. Follow-up is recommended to ensure satisfactory results over time.

Results of FUE male hair transplantation

FUE treatment has few side effects: following the procedure, incision marks quickly disappear and the newly implanted hair grows back evenly and naturally within three to six months.

Hair care in the following months

In addition to post-operative care, special hair care is recommended to improve healing and accelerate hair regrowth. These include LED sessions to restore the scalp, and mesotherapy sessions for more dynamic regrowth of each hair implant.

The expert’s opinion: hair transplants for men and women in Paris

Robotic hair transplantation is an effective response to hair loss, which is generally a source of complexes and discomfort. Thanks to the Artas technique employed by Skincare Agency, the procedure is not only targeted to maximize its chances of success, but the result is also very natural.

The machine’s assistance in this procedure preserves the donor area, and therefore the hair density over the entire skull. The Skincare Agency teams follow up every patient’s progress to remove any doubts and achieve a fully satisfactory result.