You are currently viewing Correcting a gummy smile with Botox is possible

The gummy smile, characterized by excessive visibility of the gums when smiling, is often linked to a problem with facial muscle contraction. Thanks to Botox, it is now possible to correct this anomaly and give every patient an aesthetic smile. With Skincare Agency, get the treatment you need and restore your graceful smile.

The gummy smile and its causes

The gingival smile is a common anomaly resulting in significant uncovering of the gums when smiling. A slight defect that has no impact on health, but is often the cause of discomfort for those concerned. More often than not, the gummy smile is caused by excessive contraction of the muscles around the mouth, or by a thin upper lip. The apparent gum height will then be 3 or 4 mm or more.

Botox, a proven product for neutralizing muscle contraction

Because of their ability to block muscle activity, botulinum toxin injections on the face are a popular solution for treating aging skin problems. But Botox is also effective against gummy smiles. Injected to relax muscles or reshape a lip, it has a targeted action on smile harmony.

Botulinum toxin and its action

Botulinum toxin, or Botox, is a natural injectable product that produces localized relaxation of facial muscles. Administered in small quantities, it has a powerful effect on forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, lips or wilting neck skin. It is often used as a preventive measure to slow skin slackening, with a visible and lasting tensor effect lasting several weeks. But botox also meets other, lesser-known needs, such as the treatment of smile aesthetics and gummy smiles in particular.

How Botox works to treat gummy smiles

Botox enables targeted action to be taken on gummy smile problems. Fully absorbable, the product can be used to treat two of the main causes of the defect:

  • contraction of the muscles around the mouth: botox can be injected locally to relax the muscles responsible for the exaggerated smile;
  • the thinness of the upper lip: a correctly plumped upper lip will naturally cover the gums and resolve the gingival problem. The actions to be taken will depend on each patient’s profile, and will be determined on a case-by-case basis by a doctor.

The aim: to restore the beauty of the smile while maintaining facial balance.

“Botox provides a simple, side-effect-free answer to smile aesthetics problems.”

Regular treatment with convincing results

Gingival smile treatment with botulinum toxin injections delivers rapid results. After just a few days, the area of visible gum tissue will diminish.

These effects last from 4 to 6 months after the injections, which then need to be repeated for lasting results.

The appropriate frequency will be determined by the doctor, according to each patient’s needs and expectations. Botulinum toxin, which is harmless to health, must however be correctly dosed for a tailor-made action.

The expert’s opinion

Addressing aesthetic issues around the smile is essential to feeling good. That’s the aim of the Skincare Agency team, which provides each patient with personalized support. Whatever your expectations, benefit from treatment by qualified specialists and receive advice that respects the overall harmony of your face. Your Personal Beauty consultant and your doctor will work with you to define the best way to treat your gummy smile with perfectly natural results.