You are currently viewing Tensor threads to combat facial sagging

Facial sagging inevitably occurs over the years. After the age of 30, skin elasticity diminishes, as do the freshness of the features. Tensor threads are a high-quality solution and a highly convincing alternative to facelifts. How to approach this technique and when to use it? Your Skincare Agency professionals have all the answers.

What are tensor threads?

Tensor threads are a medical device used to combat sagging skin. These fully absorbable threads are slipped by the aesthetic doctor into the subcutaneous fat, thus restoring tension to the facial tissues. Their action is twofold, with an immediate tightening effect on the skin, but also an activation of collagen and elastin production over time.

When and how to use tensor threads?

Tensor threads can be used in a variety of ways to restore volume and lines to the face. They can be fitted at different times of life, but not all ages or profiles are equally suited to them.

What defects can tensor threads correct?

The protocol acts on the tissues, plumping and activating them where the threads are placed. They are used to :

  • Reshape the oval of the face
  • Open your eyes
  • Tightening sagging tissue
  • Rebalancing certain volumes

In addition to the jowls and nasolabial folds, tensioning threads can also be applied to the neck. In all cases, the treatment has the advantage of being minimally invasive, as no incisions are made. Implantation lasts around an hour and allows immediate return to normal activity.

Act when the face is still young enough

The best time to have tensor threads is between the ages of 30 and 45. The treatment tackles the volume loss that occurs after the age of 30, but the face must still have sufficient density for the technique to be effective. So, if you act early on, the result will be as convincing as it is natural.

Thereafter, the tensor threads will have a lifespan of around 18 months. A new installation can therefore be envisaged every 2 years. The frequency of treatment depends on both the degree of sagging and the quality of each individual’s skin, and should be left to the doctor’s discretion. The professionals at Skincare Agency will advise you according to your profile.

“Tensor threads are an excellent way to correct sagging and tone the skin, lasting for several months.”

Your Skincare Agency takes special care in the installation of tensor threads

For optimum results, the face to be treated must be carefully examined, and the tensor threads must be implanted according to a precise diagram. Contraindications exist for pregnant women and people with skin infections or autoimmune diseases. Skincare Agency carefully monitors each person undergoing tensor threading to ensure that the solution is one that the body will accept.

The expert’s opinion: professional thread tightening in Paris

The Skincare Agency team is made up of professionals trained in the most innovative thread-laying techniques. Concerned about the well-being of each patient and the success of the treatment, your doctor and personal beauty are there to listen to your expectations and answer your questions. Restoring volume to every face and enhancing its beauty is the main objective of our teams, who do everything in their power to deliver treatments that are synonymous with serenity.