You are currently viewing Injection of collagen inducers to redefine facial volumes

Over time, not only the face, but also parts of the body such as the neck or hands, generally experience a loss of volume and a crumpled skin effect.

Collagen inducer injections, including Radiesse and Sculptra injections, restore the oval of the face and stimulate the skin in various areas of the body. Both are effective aesthetic medicine solutions for restoring skin quality while maintaining a natural effect.

Understanding the action of collagen inducer injection

Radiesse, a collagen inducer used to combat sagging skin, is composed ofcalcium hydroxylapatite. This naturally occurring element is well accepted by the body during injections, and has a powerful lifting effect. The product stimulates cells called fibroblasts, which contribute to skin elasticity.

Radiesse acts as a tissue inducer, stimulating collagen synthesis in the treated area. Sculptra is made frompolylactic acid. Also dedicated to volume restoration, it is used to improve the shape of the buttocks and reduce the orange peel effect.

How are Radiesse and Sculptra used?

Collagen inducers can be used to treat both face and body. A dual action that guarantees full volume restoration and wrinkle treatment.

Radiesse action zones

Radiesse can be injected into the face to fill nasolabial folds, hollow cheeks or eliminate jowls. The product also smoothes wrinkles around the mouth and forehead, bitterness folds and dark circles and hollows around the eyes. But it’s also used to firm skin on the neck and inner arms. The result is complete rejuvenation in a very short time.

Sculptra use cases

While Sculptra can also be used to fill hollow wrinkles, it is most often injected into the buttocks to restore volume without the need for prostheses. Sculptra effectively fills hollows and bumps: it is frequently used to smooth cellulite and work on curves with great precision.

“Elastin Inducer naturally stimulates the production of proteins essential to skin quality, restoring dynamism to the entire body.”

Having injections performed by a professional

For both facial contour ing and wrinkle treatment, the advice of an expert in aesthetic medicine is important. Able to precisely analyze facial depressions and the areas of the body to be filled, he or she will advise you on the most suitable product.

Perform a complete morphological and skin assessment

To ensure that the results of the injections are in line with the wishes of each patient and that they look natural, it is important to carefully study the particularities of the face and body. Depending on the situation, Sculptra or Radiesse will be recommended, with sessions carefully monitored to ensure success.

Support to limit undesirable effects

Before any treatment, your Personal Beauty consultant and aesthetic doctor will check with you that there are no contraindications. Following the injections, a twenty-minute LED session will limit side effects. Final results will be available in around three months.

The opinion of an expert in collagen injections

Injections of collagen inducers provide very convincing results. Well-prepared sessions tailored to each patient’s profile lead to natural results and visibly firmer skin. The success of these injections is all the more important in areas that are often visible, such as the neck, face and arms.

Your Skincare Agency accompanies you every step of the way to make sure you get the result you want. We offer a wide range of aesthetic techniques for the face and body, enabling us to tailor treatments to suit your personality.