You are currently viewing Hyaluronic acid injections: give your face a new lease on life

The signs of aging inevitably become visible on the face. Depending on the individual, these marks appear in different places, and can be wrinkles around the mouth, loss of volume… Whether it’s a question of correcting details or genuine rejuvenation, hyaluronic acid injection is a natural and effective solution. Properly used, it can locally restore shape to areas of the face affected by the passage of time.

Hyaluronic acid injection in a nutshell

The hyaluronic acid molecule is naturally present in the body. Responsible for tightening the skin, it is however lacking over time. By injecting hyaluronic acid locally, the skin is tightened in the desired area, for a set period of time. This technique is now commonly used to restructure the cheekbones, fill in the temples or smooth out wrinkles. The product, which is fully absorbable, will be gradually eliminated by the body over time and is perfectly tolerated throughout.

Which areas are suitable for hyaluronic acid injections?

The uses of hyaluronic acid in facial aesthetic medicine are multiplying, with ever greater technical precision. The applications are numerous and can effectively rejuvenate all treated areas.

Oval face and jawline

Injection treatment can harmoniously reshape the lower face. The chin projection (e.g. receding or recessed chins) is corrected, and the jawline is balanced to achieve a well-structured look.

Treatment of wrinkles and furrows

Dark circles and facial wrinkles are perfect candidates for hyaluronic acid treatment. Injections are used to reduce dark circles and hollows under the eyes, fill in nasolabial folds or bitterness creases, and create a tightening effect around the eyes.

Lip and nose injections

Lip injections are commonly used to treat an overly thin mouth or to achieve a ” Russian lips” effect. In medical rhinoplasty, hyaluronic acid injections are increasingly used to harmonize humps and arched noses.
QUOTE: “Hyaluronic acid injections work on the volumes of the face to give it overall harmony and a more rested look.”

The importance of an expert in aesthetic medicine to carry out your injections

Because some facial hyaluronic acid injections are more delicate than others, it’s important to choose an experienced professional who can prevent adverse reactions and select the right product.

The different types of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid can be of different types and fluidities, depending on the desired result (hydration, treatment of volume loss…). A multitude of possibilities for precise, subtle effects on the face. Skincare Agency selects quality products, available in numerous variations to meet every need.

A highly qualified team for your injection session

Skincare Agency teams are trained in the most advanced injection techniques, including innovative methods from Brazil. Their aim is to achieve the most natural results, capable of highlighting your face.

The injections expert’s opinion

Hyaluronic acid injections are ideal for restoring a beautiful facial oval or treating localized complexes such as a bulging forehead, arched nose or deep wrinkles. Modern techniques make it possible to achieve a remarkable tightening effect. This is all the more true when the treatment is carried out by an experienced professional. It is therefore essential to trust your doctor and prepare your injections carefully. Defining your desires and understanding the effects of the sessions will be essential for full satisfaction with the results. Your Skincare Agency aesthetic center not only helps you choose the areas to be treated, but also advises you on how to achieve overall harmony and give your face a new lease of life. Make an appointment now to take long-term action against aging.