You are currently viewing Gold Peel, an innovative process developed by Skincare

Skin quality is an essential beauty factor. A smooth, healthy dermis is synonymous with youthfulness: using aesthetic medicine for your skin is therefore the assurance of giving your face a fresh look. Developed by Skincare’s medical team using a combination of processes, Gold Peel treatment delivers particularly radiant results, whatever your skin type.

The Gold Peel principle

The Gold Peel treatment combines two techniques:

  • An injection of meso-botox enriched with tranexamic acid to tighten pores and smooth fine lines and wrinkles
  • A gentle TCA peel that stimulates collagen and elastin production from the very first days.
    By perfectly preparing the dermis beforehand with an injection of meso-botox, Gold Peel brings incomparable radiance to the skin from the very first session. The effects are confirmed and reinforced over time, giving lasting results.

The Gold Peel process in a nutshell

This top-quality peel consists of two key phases, the first of which has a direct influence on the effectiveness of the second.

Meso-botox: smoothing the skin and preparing for peeling

The technique known as
involves applying a personalized cocktail of active ingredients to the skin, depending on the problem (spots, wrinkles or acne…). The most advanced active ingredients in aesthetic medicine are used to improve the skin’s appearance and bring out its radiance. The botulinum toxin used is diluted for a natural, targeted action.

A top-quality peel

Developed after studying the procedures of the most renowned peeling professionals, the TCA peel that follows microneedling immediately penetrates the skin, which has been perfectly prepared. Aretinoic acid-based occlusive mask is then applied to maximize the peeling effect. Slight desquamation is to be expected within 48 hours.

“The dual action of gold peel produces a rapid, powerful effect: skin is velvety and luminous, pores become invisible: this treatment is a rebirth for the dermis.”

Cellular renewal at the heart of treatment

This unique combination of techniques is highly effective. It stimulates collagen production and cell renewal from the very first days. The action of Gold Peel naturally plumps and tightens the skin, giving it a healthy glow and a visibly rejuvenated appearance. The effects of the Gold Peel can be further prolonged by using cell renewers.

The only prerequisite is to limit exposure to the sun for one month following treatment, and apply SPF 50 protection.

The expert’s opinion

Although the Gold Peel is still in its infancy, it’s already a great success, and with good reason: it gently stimulates the skin and erases blemishes. Unsightly signs are erased by the peeling action, and mesobotox acts subtly to tighten the dermis. The great strength of this treatment: encouraging the skin to do the work itself over time. Gold Peel meets a growing demand for natural skin care that delivers long-lasting results.

When you turn to Skincare Agency, the specialized aesthetic medicine agency that designed this particular treatment, you’ll be working alongside well-trained professionals. They will apply the most effective techniques to your skin, ensuring your well-being at every stage of your treatment.