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Hair loss or alopecia can be a major source of discomfort for men and women alike. The temptation is great to have a hair transplant abroad to reduce the cost of the procedure. But results and patient safety are not guaranteed.

The principle of hair transplantation

Hair transplants have become increasingly popular in recent decades. Although minimally invasive, this is not a trivial procedure, as it involves microsurgery performed under local anaesthetic. The procedure must be carried out by experienced personnel in a perfectly aseptic environment, using state-of-the-art equipment and with impeccable follow-up. It is this expertise that justifies the high cost of hair transplants.

Hair transplant abroad: what are the risks?

With the development of “aesthetic tourism”, many hair transplant services are now offered abroad. Highly attractive from a financial point of view, they are nonetheless risky, with uncertain results and even health consequences (necrosis, infection or injury). Medical legislation can vary widely from country to country, as can the level of expertise of practitioners. All hair transplants performed at Skincare Agency are carried out by experienced operators and undergo rigorous medical monitoring.

Hair transplants at Skincare Agency

Skincare Agency has developed specific expertise in the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique, which involves harvesting healthy follicles (from the temples, occipital area or nape of the neck) and re-implanting them into the areas to be filled. Not only is this technique reliable and definitive, it is also less painful, as no sutures are required.

There are many indications:

  • Male or female androgenic alopecia
  • Scarring alopecia
  • Traction alopecia
  • Pelade
  • Baldness for several years

The only requirement is to have a “donor” area where the grafts can be harvested. Even in cases of total baldness, hair follicles are usually still present.

A revolutionary state-of-the-art treatment

To satisfy the most exacting hair transplant requirements and offer patients a natural, highly aesthetic result, Skincare Agency has chosen to invest in equipment based on the latest technological innovations. The ARTAS® robot is a cutting-edge medical device that deploys the most precise and personalized gestures ever achieved. From harvesting to implantation, every stage of the transplant process is simplified, secured and optimized.

“By choosing to equip itself with the ARTAS® system, Skincare Agency is bringing a new dimension to hair transplants. This device improves patient comfort, optimizes the aesthetics of the result and reduces the time required for the procedure.”

Hair transplant procedure

The first consultation allows us to establish a diagnosis and analyze the precise needs according to the nature and progress of the alopecia. The diagnosis is refined on the day of the operation using data collected by the ARTAS robot (implantation, number of grafts to be transplanted and areas to be treated). The graft is performed in several stages:

  • Graft extraction (the rate of loss due to follicle damage is on average 7 times lower than with manual harvesting).
  • Make micro-incisions in the area to be densified.
  • Graft implantation and cauterization.

Perfect, natural results

One of the main concerns of people wishing to undergo hair transplant surgery is to obtain hair that looks as natural as possible. The ARTAS® system generates a perfect result, as close as possible to natural implantation, to guarantee total satisfaction.

Complementary techniques

To consolidate the results obtained and optimize graft implantation, it is strongly recommended to carry out a few sessions of mesotherapy, possibly beforehand in the donor area to stimulate the grafts, and after the grafting procedure to ensure better graft growth. LED sessions complete the system to facilitate healing of the donor area, considerably reduce the risk of edema and facilitate graft regrowth.

The expert’s opinion

Hair transplants help restore self-confidence and improve image. But this technique requires great skill. Having surgery abroad to obtain a lower price can lead to disappointment and additional costs when it comes to rectifying the situation. With Skincare Agency, you benefit from the most advanced hair transplant techniques and rigorous, caring medical support.