Skincare Agency - Hydrafacial body treatment
Aesthetic body medicine de la Peau

Hydrafacial body treatment


HydraFacial treats many issues :

  • Small wrinkles and fine lines
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acné
  • Blackheads
  • Loss of elasticity
  • Photoaging


HydraFacial uses the patented vortex technique to deeply cleanse the skin’s pores and effectively deliver nutrients such as hyaluronic acid, peptides, trace elements and other botanical extracts known for their effectiveness.

In addition, HydraFacial infuses powerful antioxidant ingredients to fight against the damage caused by stress, pollution, and the sun, which attack the skin on a daily basis and accelerate photoaging.

HydraFacial Elite treats many skin problems and is a real confidence booster, it allows your skin to become overall more beautiful, radiant, and healthy.

It is a maintenance treatment for the body, which lasts an average of 45 minutes and must be repeated once a month to continue to see results.

The HydraFacial treatment is strongly recommended before any other aesthetic medical treatment such as laser sessions, microneedling, mesotherapy, injections or peeling to optimize results.

HydraFacial Elite is effective on all skin types and phototypes.


The treatment takes place in four steps and each session lasts between thirty and sixty minutes.

  • Step 1: Cleansing and Exfoliation:
    • A multi-action cleansing serum is applied to the surface layer of the skin to get rid of impurities and dead skin cells.
    • This is followed by a light peel with non-irritating fruit acids that deeply cleanses, thoroughly clearing out your pores. The pores are emptied deeply without unpleasant tingling. A patented handpiece optimizes this entire step.
  • Step 2: Extraction and hydration:
    • A painless vacuum suction removes all impurities directly from the skin’s pores, eliminating blackheads without causing pinching or irritation.
    • This is followed by intense hydration with a sheet mask containing peptides, hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants. The skin is left with a healthy, rejuvenated, and radiant feel.
  • Step 3: Infusion and protection:
    • Once the skin is thoroughly cleansed, serums are infused according to the skin’s problems, the most used are those to fight against acne, aging, or pigmentation spots.
    • For the neck and décolleté area, HydraFacial Elite has developed the EPICUTIS booster, a booster serum with a blend of highly concentrated active ingredients which, by acting in depth, attacks the three most common factors in this area, namely lack of hydration, inflammation, and the weakened lipid barrier. This booster is composed of grape seed extract, Chia oil, active plant extracts and non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid.
  • Step 4: Light therapy:
    • An LED session completes the treatment to optimize the results, soothe the skin and allow the active ingredients to fully sink in.

The prices of our Hydrafacial treatment protocols

1 session 5 sessions
Hydrafacial Signature Eclat + LED 180 € 900 €
Hydrafacial Booster + LED 220 € 1 100 €
Hydrafacial Acne + LED 220 € 1 100 €
Hydrafacial Deluxe Anti-aging + LED 270 € 1 380 €
Anti-spot Hydrafacial + LED 240 € 1 200 €
Hydrafacial Sensitive Skin / Couperose + LED 250 € 1 250 €
Hydrafacial Platinium Drainage + LED 290 € 1 450 €
Hydrafacial Acne back + LED 280 € 1 400 €
Hydrafacial Neck and décolleté 95 € 475 €


  • Why have a HydraFacial Elite treatment?
  • The results are immediate, the skin is moisturized, smooth, and more luminous, pores are tighter, blackheads are gone, and acne is reduced. With each session the results only get better.

    From the first session we observe a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines on the neck and décolleté. This is because the HydraFacial has effectively stimulated skin regeneration while reinforcing its hydration and lipidic protection.

    Your daily skincare routine will be much more effective, and this treatment will prevent the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It is recommended to perform one HydraFacial treatment per month.

  • Is this treatment restrictive?
  • This treatment fits perfectly into your daily schedule, even possible to do on your lunch break, and you can go about your day as usual afterwards with no downtime.

  • Is the treatment painful?
  • Only a slight tingling sensation is sometimes experienced during the fruit acid peel. Otherwise, it is a pleasant treatment.

  • Can it be combined with other treatments?
  • Le traitement Hydrafacial est fortement conseillé en combinaison d’un microneedling, d’un peeling ou d’une séance de radiofréquence. The HydraFacial treatment is strongly recommended in combination with microneedling, a peel, or a radiofrequency session. It is also recommended to perform this treatment before the installation of tensor threads.

    As part of a complete aesthetic medicine routine, it is recommended to do 3 sessions spaced 1 week apart before any medical procedure.

  • What are the contraindications?
  • – Allergy to aspirin, algae, or glycolic acid
    – Acne treatment such as Isotretinoin
    – Skin infections
    – Autoimmune diseases
    – During a pregnancy
    – A dermabrasion of less than 72 hours