Skincare Agency - Hydrafacial Syndeo
Aesthetic facial medicine de la Peau

Hydrafacial Syndeo

A Personalized Hydrafacial method unique in Paris

Your Personal Beauty uses Hydrafacial Syndeo as part of a procedure adapted to the level of requirements of Skincare Agency.

Our booster method is based on a treatment in 10 steps compared to the usual 4, allowing us to achieve a unique treatment both in duration (1h15) and in results.

Firstly, we carry out the initial Hydrafacial Syndeo method which is based on 4 steps:

  • Gentle cleansing of the dermis to eliminate dead cells and sebum.
  • Application of a non-irritating peel of salycilic and glycolic acid more or less dosed according to the sensitivity of the skin which allows you to open the pores and remove the impurities lodged there.
  • Using Vortex-Fusion® technology to vacuum up all impurities, comedones and blackheads while delivering a moisturizing solution rich in active ingredients.
  • Infusion under LED of a booster selected according to the axis of improvement chosen for your skin from the following selection:
    • JLO Beauty®: Firms and restores volume to the skin, smoothes the skin texture and provides an instant boost of radiance while evening out the complexion. The particularity of this booster is that it will act according to the specific needs of each skin thanks to its natural adaptogenic ingredients.
    • Hydraglucan: Intensely hydrates the skin while restoring and strengthening the skin’s barrier function. Ideal before and after sun exposure, it is a real comfort mattress for the skin.
    • Protec Plus: Soothes, visibly reduces redness and protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It provides maximum hydration with 6 forms of hyaluronic acid at different molecular weights to increase hydration by 30% in 2 hours.
    • Britenol: Arbutin-based booster preventing the synthesis of melanin and allowing you to obtain a uniform complexion while lightening naturally darker areas.
    • Vita-C: Reduces hyperpigmentation with vitamin C, evens skin tone and improves skin texture thanks to glycolic and tranexamic acids.
    • Dermabuilder: Smoothes fine lines and activates cell renewal with a peptide complex. Ideal for preventive care and for the first fine lines.
    • Chrono Peptide: Redensifies the skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production. Ideal for treating the first wrinkles.
    • Retinol by Dr Murad: Acts on the surface and in depth to plump up established wrinkles and fine lines. It boosts radiance while evening out the complexion. Promotes a velvety skin texture with intense hydration.
    • Advance skin renewal: Fights against premature skin sagging thanks to its concentration rich in retinol and vitamins. The complexion is revitalized and the skin’s barrier function is strengthened using hyaluronic acid, niacinamide and especially the minerals of Omorovicza thermal water.
    • Regen GF: Intensely firms mature skin by stimulating collagen production and minimizing its natural degradation. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Also ideal for healing thanks to peptide active ingredients.
    • Clarifying: Ideal for combination to oily skin, it regulates sebum, purifies and tightens pores for decongested, blemish-free skin. Real adult or adolescent anti-acne treatment in cure for stages 1 to 3. It helps reduce enlarged pores and acne inflammation.
    • Chrono-peptides: While providing a radiant complexion, it energizes the skin, it redensifies the skin by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen, reduces the appearance of the first wrinkles.
    • Epicutis neck and décolleté: It reduces and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines in the décolleté, optimizes deep hydration, stimulates cell regeneration, a real makeover for your décolleté and neck.

Your Personal beauty according to the Skincare Agency protocol will add 6 other steps to the Hydrafacial Syndeo treatment with booster, a good part of which allows the skin to recover in order to guarantee you an incredible result at the end of the treatment.

Some centers remove the recovery phase from the protocol to present a more attractive price. This step is very important because it soothes the skin after treatments, stabilizes the injected products and consolidates the radiance of the skin. For 15 minutes, the patient is placed under a LED bench. Light therapy helps increase the durability of results and intensify the effects.

The Hydrafacial solution is virtuous. It uses the Vortex technique, a patented technology which allows for deep cleansing and the effective provision of nutrients such as hyaluronic acid, peptides, trace elements or other botanical extracts known for their effectiveness.

Then the Vortex allows you to infuse powerful anti-oxidants to fight against damage linked to stress, pollution and the sun which attack the skin on a daily basis and accelerate photoaging.

The Hydrafacial Syndeo aesthetic treatment treats many skin problems and is a real satisfaction booster. It allows you to obtain beautiful, luminous and healthy skin. It’s a maintenance treatment. It should be an integral part of your beauty routine and should be renewed once a month to maintain a radiant effect, without enlarged pores or blackheads.

Hydrafacial is very often integrated into larger aesthetic medicine protocols before more abrasive treatments such as a Morpheus 8 session, microneedling, mesotherapy, injections or peeling in order to optimize results.

Hydrafacial Syndéo is an aesthetic treatment that works at all ages and on all skin types and colors, including dark skin.

It is available as Hydrafacial Keravive to treat the scalp. It exfoliates and stimulates the scalp to strengthen hair quality and regrowth. This treatment is strongly recommended before a hair transplant.

Hydrafacial can treat many pathologies:​

The results are immediate: The skin is immediately hydrated and brighter, pores are tightened and blackheads have disappeared. Over the course of the sessions, the skin continues to strengthen and improve. It becomes softer and the skin texture is tightened. Your daily cosmetic routine is much more effective.

The prices of our Hydrafacial treatment protocols

Presentation name 1 session 6 sessions
Hydrafacial Signature Eclat + LED 180 € 900 €
Hydrafacial Acne + LED 250 € 1275 €
Hydrafacial Deluxe Anti-aging + LED 270 € 1380 €
Hydrafacial Anti-spot + LED 270 € 1380 €
Hydrafacial Sensitive Skin / Couperose + LED 270 € 1380 €
Hydrafacial Platinum Drainage + LED 290 € 1 450 €
Hydrafacial Acne back + LED 280 € 1 400 €
Hydrafacial Neck and décolleté 95 € 475 €

The answers to your questions about Hydrafacial Syndeo

  • Is there social exclusion?
  • The Hydrafacial facial treatment is an aesthetic treatment that entails no constraints and no social exclusion. On the contrary, many realize it before participating in a public event, before going on vacation, before a wedding. It can be done during the day, between two appointments.

  • Is the treatment painful?
  • A slight tingling sensation is sometimes experienced during the peeling due to the effect of the fruit acids, especially around the chin. But it is considered to be a pleasant treatment.

  • Can it be combined with other treatments?
  • The HydraFacial treatment is ideal when combined with microneedling, a peel or a radiofrequency session. Its moisturizing and purifying effects make it essential to prep for any other aesthetic treatment.

  • What are the contraindications?
  • The HydraFacial treatment is not recommended if the subject is allergic to aspirin, algae, or glycolic acid or if the patient is undergoing treatment for acne or subject to skin infections, autoimmune diseases. It is also not recommended for pregnant women.