You are currently viewing Treatment of sagging skin and cellulite with Sculptra injections

Sagging skin and cellulite are common problems that can occur in many areas of the body.

Thighs, buttocks and arms, in particular, can be treated with injections of collagen inducers, which will produce a noticeable rejuvenation of the body. The aim: to feel better in your body as quickly as possible.

Sculptra injection in a nutshell

Sculptra injection is an aesthetic medical procedure used to redefine shapes by stimulating collagen production in certain areas of the body. Derived from fruit acids, the product used – poly-L-lactic acid – is an organic biostimulant designed to fill hollows and smooth orange-peel skin. Long-lasting, Sculptra is active for two years following injections.

The uses of Sculptra in aesthetic medicine

In addition to treating cellulite, Sculptra enables targeted results to be achieved, sculpting the body and improving its balance.

Eliminate cellulite with Sculptra

Cellulite is the result of fat storage and affects the majority of women, particularly during periods of pronounced hormonal changes. Sculptra is increasingly used to smooth out skin irregularities caused by cellulite, and thus achieve effective body rejuvenation. The product also promotes collagen production, which is weaker with age, and thus boosts dermal dynamism.

The Brasilian Butter Lift effect and other targeted actions

Sculptra is also very effective for shaping volumes. For example, it can be used to perform a Brasilian Butter Lift, which restores volume to the buttocks without surgery or anesthesia. But Sculptra can also be used on the neck, hands and décolleté to add dermal density and thus reduce the effect of wrinkled skin and photo-aging.

“Sculptra is a complete product that both reduces complexes and contributes to body rejuvenation, with excellent results over time.”

Choose Sculptra for body contouring

Sculptra compensates for cellulite and reduces the quantity of fat cells over several months or years. Today, the product is one of the preferred methods of aesthetic medicine for its effectiveness and painlessness. However, it is still important to carry out an initial consultation to identify any potential contraindications.

Contraindications to collagen inducer injections

Sculptra, and any other collagen inducer, should be avoided in certain special cases. Pregnancy, taking anticoagulants or inflammatory and autoimmune diseases in the area to be treated are all conditions incompatible with treatment with Sculptra. However, this product can be combined with other treatments such as radiofrequency or cryolipolysis.

How long does Sculptra work?

Initially, the product provides a clearly visible gain in volume in the treated area. When the water in Sculptra disappears, the poly-L-lactic acid kicks in, gradually stimulating collagen production. Six weeks after the injections, the maximum effect is achieved. It is stable and can last up to two years.

The Sculptra Injections expert’s opinion

Effective and long-lasting, Sculptra delivers skin rejuvenation to most areas of the body prone to sagging. Its targeted action on areas such as the top of the knee, the neck or the buttocks is effective: we work with precision to achieve a personalized result for each patient.

However, a full body diagnosis is necessary to determine expectations and check technical feasibility. Skincare Agency supports you with a dedicated Personal Beauty and a highly qualified aesthetic doctor. Before and after the injections, advice is given to each patient to maximize the success of the sessions and ensure total well-being.