You are currently viewing Medical rhinoplasty: the alternative to cosmetic surgery

Classical rhinoplasty, widely practiced to correct the appearance of the nose, is however a heavy and costly operation. Much simpler to implement, facial aesthetic medicine also addresses a large part of the problems related to the general appearance of the nose. This is where medical rhinoplasty comes in. Thanks to targeted injections offered by Skincare Agency, find a harmonious nose for several months.

Medical Rhinoplasty, addressing nose imperfections

Medical rhinoplasty represents a formidable alternative to classical nose surgery. The latter in fact permanently modifies the structure of the nose: an operation that is often expensive for patients, and requires in-depth consideration beforehand.

Aesthetic medicine, on the contrary, provides a gentle and non-invasive solution that can be tested at lower cost. Within the reach of most people wishing to reshape their noses, it addresses a large proportion of aesthetic problems or those caused by sagging skin.

Hyaluronic acid serving the harmony of the nose

To correct the various defects of the nose, aesthetic medicine relies on hyaluronic acid injections.

This resorbable product, with limited side effects, is recognized for its effectiveness in the context of medical rhinoplasty. Depending on the expectations and profile of the patient, the doctor at Skincare Agency will decide on an appropriate dosage for the product.

Indications for medical rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid avoids any cartilage reduction of the nose. The intervention consists of harmonizing unattractive irregularities such as:

  • Bump ;
  • Hollow ;
  • Deviation ;
  • Roman or aquiline nose.

It thus meets the needs of most patients, with a limited number of contraindications (pregnancy, allergy, taking anticoagulants). Medical rhinoplasty may be prescribed provided that the nose is not too large or projected.

Hyaluronic acid injections to fill in irregularities

Naturally present in the body, hyaluronic acid contributes in particular to the hydration and firmness of the skin.

In its injectable form, this molecule is therefore harmless to the body, but has many advantages. It is used to erase imperfections and wrinkles on the face and neck, but also to model volume.

Injected into the nose, the product corrects inequalities by filling. Resorbable, it will gradually disappear after several months.

“Hyaluronic acid is a natural, side-effect-free answer to most facial aesthetic issues.”

Long-lasting results, but something to be done regularly

The main strength ofhyaluronic acid is its gentle action, visible immediately after any bruising has subsided and lasting for several months.

Results can be observed up to 18 to 24 months after injections. However, these will need to be renewed to maintain the effects of the treatment.

As the sessions progress, the product’s effects will last longer and longer, allowing you to space out the sessions. Skincare Agency’s personalized support enables us to establish the perfect dosage and frequency for each patient. Injections are performed with the aim of creating a nose that perfectly matches expectations.

The expert’s opinion

A highly effective solution for avoiding the heaviness of rhinoplasty, hyaluronic acid can be rapidly applied.

Accompanied by your Personal Beauty consultant and advised according to your medical history, receive an adapted treatment without altering the shape of your face.

Quality follow-up ensures that the injections progress smoothly over time and that the patient accepts his or her new nose. Attentive to individual needs, Skincare Agency relies on cutting-edge, rigorous injection techniques. As a result, patients benefit from a painless treatment with minimal side effects, and a natural result that’s always well tolerated.